

Do Certain Paint Colors Protect You From Pests?

Paint is more than just a way to cover up the walls of your home. It can also be a powerful tool to keep pests away. Different colors have been shown to deter different types of pests, so it’s worth considering which colors will work best for you and your home. Keep reading to learn more!

How Does Color Affect the Animal Kingdom?

Color is one of the most important aspects of an animal's environment. It can be used for camouflage, communication, and protection.

For example, many animals use color to blend in with their surroundings. This is called camouflage. Some animals, like chameleons, can change their color to match their surroundings. This helps them hide from predators or sneak up on prey.

Some animals use color to communicate with other animals. For example, some species of birds use bright colors to attract mates or intimidate rivals.

Many animals also use color as a way to protect themselves from predators or enemies. For example, some animals have black and white fur or feathers which help them blend in with the ground when they are running.

Can Colors Protect You from Pests?

There are a variety of ways that colors can protect you from pests. One way is by acting as a deterrent. Certain colors may discourage pests from entering your home or garden, for example. You can also use color to make it easier to spot pests so that you can deal with them before they become a problem. Additionally, some colors may repel specific types of pests, while others may attract beneficial insects that will help control pest populations.

Of course, it’s important to bear in mind that no single color will be effective against all types of pests – and some pests may actually be attracted to certain colors! However, by using a combination of different hues, you’ll be able to create an inviting atmosphere for certain pests. So if you want to deter pests, take a look at our list.


There are a variety of colors that can help deter birds from getting too close to your home. Bright colors like red, orange, and yellow can be helpful in keeping birds away. Some birds, on the other hand, are enticed by them since they signal a high chance of finding a mate or ample food sources. You can also try using light-colored surfaces like white or light gray. It’s important to make sure that the colors you use to contrast with the color of your house so that the birds can see them clearly. You can also try using patterned surfaces to deter birds – they don’t like landing on something they can’t see clearly. Try stripes, chevrons, or any other type of pattern that will make it difficult for birds to land safely.


There are a few colors that can help to deter bugs from your home. Bugs are attracted to light, so dark colors can be helpful in keeping them away. Black, blue, and purple are all colors that can help keep bugs at bay. If you have light-colored walls, you can also try covering them with dark-colored curtains or sheets to help deflect bugs. You can also try scattered pieces of Reflectix aluminum foil around your home - the reflective surface will confuse and deter bugs. Strong odors like citrus or mint can also keep bugs away, so citrus-scented sprays or plugins may be effective as well. Finally, making sure that there are no food sources around your home will help to keep bugs away from your home.


Mosquitoes do not care about bright, glistening objects, unlike many of their bug brethren and sisters. The mosquito is a creature that prefers the darker end of the color spectrum. If you've ever been outside with a buddy and only one of you was being plagued by mosquitoes, it's very likely that individual was wearing clothing that was darker colors. Mosquitoes can be a nuisance, so use whites and yellows as a passive type of repellant to combat them.