

What Are The Materials Used In Wall Painting?

You've decided to paint and whitewash and don't quite know what tools and materials are needed, right? As a paint company and as a website, we have found it appropriate to present you with extensive information and visuals on this subject. We are sure that you will achieve more successful results by obtaining and preparing the information and materials we have given for you in our article, and by using the paint materials and hand tools as we have described.

Canvas Nylons: The use of nylon should be one of your most important auxiliary materials when painting. Because protecting the items in the room should be our number one priority. After the paint is finished, no one likes to see paint stains on the items around. For this reason, if you only want your paint to stay on the wall, be sure to protect your belongings. The thickness of the nylon should be at a medium level. Because thin nylons can tear very easily and may cause you to re-coat the same place two or three times.

Clean Water Buckets: Before starting the painting, clean buckets should be prepared for each of the paint, whitewash and plaster materials. Don't forget to clean all the buckets we've used when we're done with it.

Plasters: Before painting a room, we absolutely need to check all the walls. The result may not be very good in uncontrolled paints. Because our aim at the control stage is to identify the cracks, broken and damaged areas on the wall beforehand and repair them with plaster. And if they're smooth, it'll do such a nice job after painting.

Spatulas: Spatulas are one of our most important tools in paint works. They are a material that will make our work easier in cleaning the roughness on the wall. Because directly painting a wall full of roughness will not only reduce the quality of your work, but will also mean remaking that wall from scratch for you.

Sandpapers: Just like spatulas, sandpapers are very useful and more economical tools in cleaning the roughness on the wall. When used with spatula, the resulting work will be more perfect. It will bring smoothness to the fore. But if you say that I want to get my job done with a single sandpaper, 150 grit sandpapers will be enough.

Paper Tapes: You will especially need tapes when we are going to cover the surrounding items with nylon. It is definitely useful to have a few paper tapes in your home. The important thing to note here is to use paper tape, not regular duct tape. It won't come off easily. That's why we need paper tapes. But not every paper tape is the same. Some tapes can come off by themselves from where they stick. If you are buying for the first time, you can try by buying paper tapes from several brands.

Paint Brushes: While painting, we use paint brushes in the parts where there are fine works. Although there are many types of these brushes, the most important criterion when choosing is the type of paint that we will paint the wall. For example, if our paint is synthetic, the brush we will use should be for oil paint. Or choose a water-based paint. If we have done so, this time we need to use a plastic paintbrush.

Paint Rollers: We need to use suitable paint rollers according to the area we are going to do. If the area we are painting is a ceiling, our choice should be a normal roller. But if we are painting our walls, our choice of roller should be satin roller this time. Of course, the roller alone is not enough. Besides, you should not forget the roller handles. Because these handles will make your job easier in places where the distance is far. If you are going to use rollers for the first time, it is useful to make a few remarks. At first, you may splash the paint around. But this can be avoided by covering all sides with nylon.

Gloves: We protected the surroundings as much as possible. Now it's time to take precautions for ourselves. We should use gloves to protect our hands from paint, dirt and other elements. Especially in sanding works, our hands can be irritated. Also, when the paint gets on our skin, it is very difficult. Therefore, before starting work, make sure to use gloves. needs to be used.

Cleaning Cloths: We need to keep cleaning cloths nearby in order to intervene immediately in undesirable accidents while painting. Because in cases where we do not intervene immediately, the paint will dry out, so it can give us an extra job. It is especially good to have more than one clean cloth with us. For this, using the other cloth immediately will not only cause the work to be interrupted but also save you time.

Stairs: The use of stairs helps a lot when painting where you are over your height. If you do not have a ladder with you, it will be very difficult to reach that area, so you will lose time. Especially in high areas such as ceilings, using a ladder ensures that the work is done more meticulously. is that the ladder you use is solid.

Work Clothes: We need to protect both the environment and ourselves in works such as painting. Just like we cover the environment with nylon, we need to wear work clothes to prevent our clothes from being exposed to paint. If you do not have work clothes, you can choose your old clothes that you no longer wear at home.